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C. Kendrick Dunham

Email:  kendunham@hotmail.com

Personal Website:  http://kendunham.tripod.com/

Go to my personal website for an updated CV



Doctor of Medicine, 2003, East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine

Master of Arts in Education, !998, East Carolina University School of Health and Human Performance Department of Health Education

Bachelors of Science, 1996, East Carolina University Department of Biology

Professional Experience

2000-2001.  Medical Editor.  ECU Telemedicine Center, Greenville, NC.

1998 - 1999.  Project ASSIST Coordinator/Health Education Specialist. Onslow County Health Department, Jacksonville, NC.

1996 - 1998.  Graduate Teaching Assistant.  East Carolina University Department of Health Education, Greenville, NC.

1996 - 1998.  Graduate Research Assistant.  East Carolina University Department of Family Medicine, Greenville, NC

1996 - 1998.  Owner & Operator.  i3Creations Web Design, Greenville, NC

1996 - 1997.  Bouncer.  Peasant's Cafe Bar, Greenville, NC

Awards and Distinctions

Hubert W. Burden Classmate Service Award. 
Presented by the Class of 2003 for outstanding service and contributions to the members of the Class of 2003 on May 11th, 2000.

Patents and Publications

Available upon request.

Community & Volunteer Activities

Fountain Clinic.  Fountain, NC.

Little Willie Center.  Greenville, NC.

Extracurricular Activities at East Carolina University

2001-2003.  Co-President.  Psychiatric Medicine Interest Group.

2000 - 2001.  Co-President.  Physicians for Social Responsibility.

1999 - 2001.  Web Master.  Brody Class of 2003 Website.

1999 - 2000.  M1 Medical Curriculum Representative.  Elected Officer, Class of 2003

1999 - 2000.  Stage Performer.  Medical Readers Theater.  Department of Humanities, 

1999.  Performer.  Medical School Talent Show Fundraiser.

Current & Past Professional Memberships:  Family Medicine Interest Group, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Psychiatry Interest Group, Emergency Medicine Interest Group, Internal Medicine Interest Group, Medical Readers Theater.


Basic Cardiac Life Support.  American Red Cross

Hobbies, Interests and Activities

In alphabetical order

bulletMusic Composition, Production and Recording (Halo 5, Metallarc Lemon)
bulletRole Play Gaming, Authoring & Publishing (www.elementallands.com)
bulletWeb & Multimedia Design
bulletEast Carolina Volunteer Program Web Site (retired)
bulletOnslow County Health Department (retired)
bulletWriting & Publishing 

Thumbnail Photos

Family Portrait.

Mayisha, Ella, Ken (2001)

Oldskool Crew Reunion - from left to right.  Christophe, Dawson, Mac, Teos, Me. (1999)  My bud, Fred, and I at Halloween (1999)

family photo b 12 01.jpg (74243 bytes)

friends.JPG (104335 bytes)

Halloween17.jpg (140901 bytes)
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Last modified: August 07, 2000